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Virtual First | Well-being Kit

Evaluate your team’s well-being

When we think of employee well-being, we tend to imagine ergonomic desks and healthcare plans. But if we want our teams to be truly well, we need to dig deeper. Use this workshop to assess your team’s holistic health—and make course corrections before you’re overstressed or burned out.


When we think of employee well-being, we tend to imagine ergonomic desks and healthcare plans. But if we want our teams to be truly well, we need to dig deeper. Use this workshop to assess your team’s holistic health—and make course corrections before you’re overstressed or burned out.

Step 1 (pre-work): Reflect on your personal well-being

Before you meet as a team, share the well-being wheel (below) with your team members over email or chat. Ask everyone to spend 10–15 minutes filling it out based on their work experience during the past month.
Well-being wheel

How well are we?

Fill out this worksheet (or draw your own) to get a sense of how you’re feeling individually and as a group.

Dimensions of wellbeing

Step 2: Open your workshop warmly

Talking about well-being can feel vulnerable. If you’re facilitating, it’s important to establish a warm environment. As you begin your virtual workshop, ask the group to agree on a few basic concepts to keep everything on track. Things like:

  • Everyone’s experience is unique
  • Share as much or as little as you want—try to be honest and open
  • There are no right or wrong answers
  • This is confidential—what enters the room stays in the room

As the conversation deepens and people share more personally, you might notice some emotion coming up. This is natural. Use active listening and good mirroring techniques to build psychological safety:

  • Model vulnerability: I feel that way sometimes, too.
  • Paraphrase what you heard: It sounds like [X]. Did I get that right?
  • Ask clarifying questions: Can you say more?
  • Validate feelings: That sounds really stressful.
  • Encourage and appreciate: Thanks for sharing that.

Step 3: Check your team’s well-being

After you’ve kicked off your meeting, tell your team it’s time for their checkup (using your best bedside manner, of course). Then pull up the well-being wheel (above) on your screen. Ask each person to answer these questions:

  • One area where I feel well is _______
  • One area where I feel out of balance is _______
  • One pattern I notice is ______
  • Of all the sections, what matters most while working remotely? 


  • If your team is new or just learning to trust each other, have your manager share first 
  • If you’ve got more than six people, consider splitting into breakout rooms

Step 4: Make a team-support pact

Now that you understand your team’s challenges and needs, you can start thinking about concrete ways to support one another. Discuss the questions below. When you’re done, schedule a virtual checkup for three months later. Then have a hands-free group hug and thank everyone for sharing. 

  • What’s something we can do differently as a team?
  • What’s something we’d like to keep doing going forward as a team?
  • What should we tackle first? 

More resources

3 easy wins

Build the habit

  • Tomorrow: Plan on having five minutes of chitchat in your next meeting
  • Next week: Turn a 1:1 into a walking phone call, to encourage movement
  • Quarterly: Schedule a team well-being checkup