
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) template

Simplify the Non-Disclosure Agreement process with DocSend's complimentary one-way NDA template.

You can use this downloadable one-way NDA template as is to make your Non-Disclosure Agreements quick and painless.

Or, you can upload the template into DocSend to make the process even easier with DocSend's E-signature and One-Click NDA.

4,000+ people use this NDA template.

Disclaimer: This information is offered for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, nor is it a substitute for, legal advice. You should consult a licensed attorney before relying on this template for any agreement or transaction.

Download the template

Disclaimer for using this template

DocSend, Inc. (“DocSend”) does not assume any responsibility for any consequence of using this Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “NDA”). The NDA has been prepared for informational purposes and is not intended to (a) constitute legal advice or (b) create an attorney-client relationship.  Each situation is highly fact specific and requires a knowledge of both state and federal laws and therefore any party should seek legal advice from a licensed attorney in the relevant jurisdictions. DocSend expressly disclaims any and all liability with respect to actions or omissions based on the NDA or any other document found on DocSend’s website.

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Simplify the NDA process for your business documents with DocSend's E-signature and One-Click NDA

Streamline your NDA process with DocSend's E-signature
Upload your NDA template into DocSend and save time and effort with automated e-signature functionality.
Protect your business documents with DocSend's One-Click NDA feature
Ensure the right people have access to your documents with viewer whitelisting, password protection and watermarking.
See how viewers are engaging with your documents
Leverage instant-read notifications and page-by-page analytics to track how and when investors, prospects, partners, and more engage with all your sensitive documents.